CRET 2021 : इलाहाबाद विश्वविद्यालय PHD LEVEL 2 के लिए 21 विषयों में नोटिफिकेशन जारी, जानिए अपडेट

Allahabad University PHD Admission 2021 : इलाहाबाद विश्वविद्यालय क्रेट (PHD) 2021 प्रवेश पप्रक्रिया के अंतर्गत इलाहाबाद विश्वविद्यालय के 21 विभागों ने लेवल 1 परिणाम के बाद लेवल 2 प्रक्रियाओं के लिए सूचना जारी कर दिया है। आइए देखते है किन किन विभागों ने नोटिफिकेशन जारी की है। बताते चलें कि CRET 2021 के अंतर्गत 41 विषयों में प्रवेश परीक्षा हुई थी। 

1. Sociology

As per the announcement of the list of Qualified candidates for CRET-2021, as provided by the Director, Admission, the candidates are hereby requested to submit their academic and category documents (self-attested) along with 3 copies of the research proposal (Synopsis) and duly filled form (available on the University Website) in the Office of the Department on or before 9th August, 2022 till 5.00 p.m. No further claim from the qualified candidates will be entertained after the last date of submission of the required documents declared as above.

2. Food & Nutrition/Ext Education

Interview (CRET-2021 Level-II) for Ph.D. in Food and Nutrition/Extension Education/Human Development will be held on August 04, 2022 in the Department of Family and Community Sciences, Faculty of Science, University of Allahabad from 10:30 A.M. onwards.

UR : 170 & Above 
OBC : 140 & Above 
EWS : 164 & Above 
SC : Not Qualified

3. Textile & Apparel Design

Interview (CRET-2021 Level-II) for Ph.D. in Textile and Apparel Designing will be held on August 5, 2022 in the Department of Family and Community Sciences, Faculty of Science, University of Allahabad from 10:30 A.M. onwards.

UR : 200 & Above 
OBC : 185 & Above 
SC : 145 & Above

4. Earth & Planetary Science

All the candidates who have qualified CRET-2021 Phase-II, Level-I of earth & planetary Sciences are required to submit their write-up (Less than 1000 word) on any topic of their choice along with sel attested photocopies of testimonials, latest by August 10, 2022, 01:00 P.M. to the office of the Department. The candidates will be required to present the statement of work in the form of PPT-presentation (about 10 min) before the DPC members, V.C> Nominee and subject expert of the Department and will be followed by personal interview at 02:00 P.M. on August 22, 2022 in the Department.

5. Economics

All the qualified candidates eligible for CRET 2021 Level-II (Interview) are required to submit photocopies of all the Educational Certificates, others related Certificates and a research proposal to the Office of the Department of Economics, University of Allahabad, Prayagraj-211 002 positively on or before Friday, 29 July 2022.

The above requisite documents and research proposal may also be submitted through e-mail on

6. Food Technology

All qualified candidates of CRET-2021, (level-1) of Food Technology are required to submit their application on the prescribed format for the level-2 test of CRET-2021 along with self attested photocopies of all marksheets & relevant certificates latest by 29 July 2022 at the Centre of Food Technology. You are also required to submit note/synopsis on Any One topic and prepare 10 minutes PPT Presentation.

7. Zoology

All the qualified candidates of CRET-2021-22 (Level-1) of Zoology are advised to submit their academic documents (Certificates and mark sheet of High School, Intermediate/ 10+2, B.Sc and M.Sc) and other relevant document (caste certificat/EWS, notified by government of India, Aadhar card, CRET admit card and marksheet) and CSIR-JRF/NET score card/certificate in the office of Zoology Department UOA on or before 28/07/2022.

8. Psychology

All the candidates who have qualified CRET 2021 Level -1 of Psychology are 
required to submit their synopsis along with relevant documents latest by 
16/08/2022 in the office of the Department of Psychology , University of Allahabad.

9. Philosophy

केट (CRET) 2021 दर्शन शास्त्र की परीक्षा में अर्ह घोषित सभी अभ्यर्थियों को सूचित किया जाता है कि ये अभ्यर्थी अपना प्रवेश फार्म सभी मूल प्रमाण पत्रों की छाया प्रति के साथ दर्शन विभाग में 10 अगस्त 2022 तक जमा कर दें।

10. Materials Science

The candidates desirous of seeking admission in the Ph. D. program of Materials Science, University of Allahabad, Prayagraj who have qualified Level-I test of CRET 2021 in Materials Science/Allied subjects should submit their application alongwith certified copies of all the documents/mark sheets/caste certificate/CRET-2021 score sheet and a recent photograph in the office of the Centre of Materials Sciences by 5th Aug 2022 alongwith. The candidates who qualified CRET level test of the other (allied) subjects need to give a no objection certificate from the Head/Coordinator of that particular subject.

11. Chemistry

The following candidates (list enclosed) who have qualified CRET level-1 examination are required to submit their academic details alongwith documentary evidence (self attested) like High School, Intermediate, Graduation, Post graduation Mark-sheets, Cast certificate, EWS certificate (if required) Choice of Institution (3 choice) and National level test certificate (if passed), in the office of the Department of Chemistry latest by 06/08/2022.

नोट : Chemistry के 50 चयनित छात्र-छात्राओं की सूची हमारे इंस्टाग्राम चैनल Allahabad University Family पर उपलब्ध है आप देख सकते है। सभी ग्राफिक्स हमलोग हमारे इंस्टाग्राम चैनल पर डालते हैं।

12. Ancient History

प्राचीन इतिहास संस्कृति एवं पुरातत्व विभाग के क्रेट 2021 में प्रवेश हेतु लेवल 1 के सफल अभ्यर्थी जिन्होंने अपने वर्ग में कम्पयूटेड अंक प्राप्त किए है। वे क्रेट 2021 के द्वितीय चरण Interview हेतु विश्वविद्यालय की वेबसाइट से शोध में प्रवेश का फार्म लेकर उसे पूर्ण रूप से भरकर, सिनाॅपसिस (दो प्रतियाँ) (1500 शब्द) एवं समस्त आवश्यक दस्तावेज के साथ दिनांक 10/08/2022 तक विभाग में जमा करे।

UR : 183 & Above 
OBC : 161 & Above 
SC : 137 & Above 
EWS : 173 & Above

13. Bioinformatics

The following candidates who have qualified CRET Level-1 examinations are required to submit their academic details alongwith documentary avidence (self attested) like High School, Intermediate, UG - PG marksheets, National Level Test if passed in the office of the Centre of Bioinformatics leastest by 27/07/2022.

1. Shivani Shrivasta : 189
2. Shivani Shrivastava : 188
3. Anam Tanveer : 184
4. Pallavi Shahi : 182
5. Km. Saba Ehsan : 162

14. Physics

इलाहाबाद विश्वविद्यालय के भौतिकी में शोध प्रवेश हेतु लेवल - II के साक्षात्कार में सफल छात्र-छात्राओ की सूची विभागीय पट पर लगा दी गयी है। ऐसे सभी छात्र-छात्राएँ विभाग में उपलब्ध प्रोफार्मा के साथ शोध प्रस्ताव तथा अन्य समस्त शैक्षिक प्रमाण पत्रों एवं चरित्र प्रमाण पत्र, क्रेट प्रवेश पत्र, जाति प्रमाण पत्र आदि की स्वप्रमाणित छायाप्रति कार्यालय में श्री ललित प्रकाश शुक्ला के पास दिनांक 25/07/2022 तक अवश्य जमा कर दे।

15. BioChemistry

The Following candidates have qualified CRET 2021-2022 of University of Allahabad. The candidate are required to report in the Department of Biochemistry at 11 AM on July 25, 2022 with all original educational certificates, category certificate, adhar card, admission card, two photographs, two set of photocopies of your certificates etc. For appearing in level 2 Examinations.

1. Tripti Yadav
2. Mariyam Fatima
3. Shruti Sirohi
4. Shivangi Singh
5. Aisha Tufail

16. Music & Performing Arts

संगीत एवं प्रदर्शन कला विभाग में लेवल 2 में चयनित विद्यार्थियों की सूची विभाग के नोटिस बोर्ड पर लगा दी गयी है। समस्त चयनित छात्र-छात्राएँ अपने मूल शैक्षणिक प्रमाण पत्र की छायाप्रति के साथ दिनांक 5/8/2022 तक संगीत विभाग में जमा करें।

17. Visual Arts

The candidates qualifying in CRET 2021 according to merit given below should submit the application along with statement is not more than 1500 words on their research objective and proposed methodology and self attested photocopy of all the documents and attached prescribed Research Form (download from AU website) with the application at the Department office from 20/07/2022 to 26/07/2022. The interview for CRET 2021 will be held on 29th July at 11 AM in the Department of Visual Arts. All students must present their area of interest through PowerPoint Presentations.

UR/GEN : 175 & Above
OBC : 169 & Above

18. Botany

All the qualified candidates of CRET 2021-22 (Level 1) of Botany are advised to 
submit their academic documents (certificates of high school, intermediate 
/10+2, B.Sc. and M.Sc.) and other relevant documents (caste certificate/EWS, 
notified by government of India, CRET admit card and mark sheet and CSIR-
JRF/NET score) along with prescribed Performa in the office of the Botany 
Department au: on or before 25/07/2022.

19. Environmental Science

All the qualified candidates of CRET 2021-22 (Level 1) of Environmental Sciences 
are advised to submit their academic documents (certificates of high school, 
intermediate /10+2, B.Sc. and M.Sc.) and other relevant documents (caste 
certificate/EWS, notified by government of India, CRET admit card and mark 
sheet and CSIR-JRF/NET score) along with prescribed Performa in the office of 
Environmental Sciences, Botany Department au: on or before 25/07/2022.

20. Education

All the qualified candidates of CRET 2021-2021-22 (Level 1) of Education are advised to submit their relevant documents by 29/07/2022 along with synopsis and Form.

21. Anthropology

All the qualified candidates of CRET 2021-2021-22 (Level 1) of Anthropology are advised to submit their relevant documents on 18/07/2022.

ध्यान देने योग्य महत्वपूर्ण बात -

क्रेट संबंधित सूचनाओं के लिए आप संबंधित विभाग के व विश्वविद्यालय के भी संपर्क में रहे। बाकी हमारे पास जो भी सूचना आएगी हम जरूर अपडेट करेंगे। क्योंकि कयी विभागों की सूचना कभी कभी नही आ पाती। नए विभागों के सूचनाओ के साथ-साथ हम बीते हुए विभागों की सूचना अपडेट करते है ताकी कोई छूटा हो तो उसे बता चले और साथ ही हर नए विभाग के साथ हमारी टीम भी गिनती करती है कि कितने विभागों की हमने सूचना आप तक पहुंचायी है।

बाकी हर छोटी बड़ी अपडेट के लिए आप हमारे टेलीग्राम चैनल व वेबसाइट के खबररों से अपडेट रहिए। वेबसाइट पर पहली बार आए हैं तो सबसे तेज अपडेट पाने के लिए आप हमारे टेलीग्राम चैनल से जुड़िये जिसका लिंक नीचे हरे पट्टी में दिया गया है।
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