CUET UG Admit Card : 13 अगस्त को जारी हुआ इन इन लोगों का एडमिट कार्ड, अन्य के लिए सूचना जारी

CUET UG Admit Card : National Testing Agency के Common Universities Entrance Test Under Graduate (CUET UG) परीक्षाओं को लेकर NTA को काफी मशक्कत करना पड़ रहा है। सैकड़ो सेंटर्स की परीक्षाओं को पूर्व में स्थगित किया जा चुका है। आज दिनांक 13 अगस्त 2022 को NTA ने एडमिड कार्ड जारी किया है। आइए जानते हैं किन किन लोगों का आज एडमिट कार्ड जारी हुआ है और अन्य लोगों के लिए क्या सूचना है...

CUET UG PHASE 4 के लिए एडमिट कार्ड हुए जारी -

Common Universities Entrance Test Under Graduate (CUET UG) के अंतर्गत जिन जिन छात्र-छात्राओं का एग्जाम 17 अगस्त, 18 अगस्त और 20 अगस्त को प्रस्तावित था उनका एडमिट कार्ड आज जारी कर दिया गया है। छात्र-छात्राएँ अपने एडमिट कार्ड CUET UG की वेबसाइट से डाउनलोड कर सकते हैं।  बताते चलें कि 17, 18 और 20 अगस्त के परीक्षाओं को फेज 4 का नाम दिया गया है।

CUET UG अन्य लोगों के लिए महत्वपूर्ण सूचना -

1. Most of the candidates have been given cities of their choice. However, there are about 11000 (eleven thousand) candidates who could not be given their 
choice of city and they have been moved to Phase 6 so that they could appear in the city of their choice. Their examination will be held on 30 August 2022. They have also been intimated about their city of examination and exact date of examination today.

2. Some of the candidates who were originally scheduled to take the Examination in Phase 3 i.e. 07, 08 and 10 August 2022, were informed through their Admit Cards that they will be taking the Examination 
(in Phase 5) on 21, 22, and 23 August 2022. Their Admit Cards mentioning the centres of examination 
will be released on 17 August 2022. However, their dates with cities of exams are being given today.

3. Those candidates who could not take the examination in Phase 2 conducted on 04, 05 and 06 August 
2022 either due to technical reasons or due to cancellation of the Centre, will be allowed to appear in 
Phase 6 which will be held from 24 to 30 August 2022. Their cities and dates of examinations are also 
being intimated today. Their Admit Cards will be released on 20 August 2022.

4. NTA has also received some e-mails regarding digital glitches faced by individual candidates during previous phase as well as requests for change of Date/ Centre / City and re-examination. Such requests are being examined on case-to-case basis using Audit trail of individual candidates and report of the centres. The requests, if found feasible, the candidates will be appearing on 30 August 2022.

5. NTA has also created an exclusive grievance redressal e-mail. The grievances of candidates regarding subject combination, medium, question paper, etc. (if any) can be sent to 
Candidates must mention their Application Number while sending their grievance. The grievances will be addressed and examination for such candidates, if required, will also be conducted on 30 August 2022.

बाकी हर छोटी बड़ी अपडेट के लिए आप हमारे टेलीग्राम चैनल व वेबसाइट के खबरों से अपडेट रहिए। वेबसाइट पर पहली बार आए हैं तो सबसे तेज अपडेट पाने के लिए आप हमारे टेलीग्राम चैनल से जुड़िये जिसका लिंक नीचे हरे पट्टी में दिया गया है।
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